虛擬社群的集體記憶與儀式傳播:一個關於「龍魂不滅」的初探性研究 Collective memory and Ritual Communication of Virtual Community A Story about 'The Soul of Dragon Never Fade Away'
年輕族群行動文字簡訊使用研究初探 The Study of the Youth's Usage of Text-based Short Message of the Mobile phone
勞工流動及資訊流動的初探研究 Labor Migration and Information Flows: A Preliminary Study
閱讀形式在數位媒介上的運用:以網路書店與電子書為例,建構以華人為對象之中文閱讀平台的未來藍圖 The Application of Reading Format in the Digital Media - The blueprint of constructing Chinese reading platform from the examples of web book stores and electronic books