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Labor Migration and Information Flows: A Preliminary Study
作者 林季平柯音如
Based on the 1999 and 2001 'Surveys on the Usage of Internet among the Taiwanese People' as well as the 1996-2000 'Manpower Utilization Surveys,' this article is a preliminary research on labor migration and spatial information flows. The significance of this research lies in the fact that in light of emerging internet and accelerating information flows, little has been explored on the relationship between labor migration and information and the extent to which changing information flows affect manpower redistribution in the labor market. Our research indicates that the aggregate spatial pattern of labor flows is in highly accordance with the spatial information flows, suggesting that those who are more capable of acquiring information are more prone to migrate. On the other hand, those residing in information-rich places appear to have higher mobility propensity, suggesting that information-rich places help overcome the so-called information constraint of migration. Nevertheless, our preliminary research results could implicitly suggest that the emergence of internet does not have an overwhelmingly homogeneous effect on overcoming information constraint among the ordinary people, because the use of internet and the ability to process information is highly selective in terms of personal characteristics and individual socioeconomic status. Due to this sort of double selecting mechanism, it could be inferred that the emergence of internet is expected to exhibit more polarizing than homogenizing effect on manpower redistribution in the Taiwanese labor market.
起訖頁 283-312
關鍵詞 勞工流動資訊流動網際網路工作搜尋工作異動labor migrationinformation flowsinternetjob searchjob
刊名 資訊社會研究  
期數 200401 (6期)
出版單位 南華大學社會學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 年輕族群行動文字簡訊使用研究初探
該期刊-下一篇 閱讀形式在數位媒介上的運用:以網路書店與電子書為例,建構以華人為對象之中文閱讀平台的未來藍圖




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