體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
202312 (56:專刊期)期所有篇 |
- 跨域職能提升──應用聊天機器人於運動休閒之營收管理課程之學習效果之影響 Cross-domain competency enhancement - The influence of applying chatbots on the learning effects of sport and leisure revenue management courses
- 漸進釋放責任模式結合開放教育資源於運動大數據分析課程之實踐 Practicing the gradual release of responsibility model combined with open educational resources in course on big data analytics in sports
- 師資培育者在體育教材教法課自我研究的發展與實踐歷程 The teacher educator’s role in devising teaching materials and methods of physical education self-study in teaching and teacher education practice (S-STEP) development and application
- 「臨床教學循環」運用於師資生教育實踐課程之探究──以體育教材教法為例 A study of clinical teaching cycle applied to student teachers educational practice programs: A case of teaching materials and methods in physical education
- 冒險教育課程對大學生領導力之成效研究 Effects of an adventure education program on undergraduate students’leadership skills