體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
202112 (54:4期)期所有篇 |
- 運動服務業員工的,工作心理彈性與組織公民行為:工作自主性的調節效果 Psychological flexibility at work enhances organizational citizenship behavior in the sports service industry: The moderating role of job autonomy
- 咖啡因增補對網球選手專項體能表現之影響 Effects of caffeine supplementation on tennis-specific fitness performance in tennis players
- 高強度間歇訓練與阻力訓練對自覺健康、身體意象、幸福感與體育學習成效的影響 "Effects of high-intensity interval training and resistance training on self-perception of health awareness, body image, well-being, and learning effect of physical education in sedentary college students"
- 合作學習結合STEAM複合式教學策略,於提升運動生物力學課程教學效能評估 Cooperative learning combined with STEAM compound instruction strategies to improve the teaching effectiveness evaluation of sports biomechanics courses