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Effects of caffeine supplementation on tennis-specific fitness performance in tennis players
作者 陳厚諭劉水育
"緒論:網球反覆衝刺能力測驗(repeated-sprint ability, RSA)及揮擊與轉向測驗(hit & turn tennis test, HTT)主要係評估網球專項之衝刺、敏捷及耐力性等運動表現,目前尚無研究探討咖啡因增補對上述運動表現的影響,本研旨在探討咖啡因增補對網球選手專項體能表現及可能機轉。方法:10位男性網球甲組選手(年齡:16.3±0.9歲;身高:173.2±5.1公分;體重:63.8±5.9公斤),採雙盲、安慰劑控制及平衡次序法進行咖啡因(6 mg/kg)或安慰劑處理,並在增補後1小時依序測量RSA (共10趟)及HTT測驗等網球專項體能表現指標,並在增補前、後進行肘前靜脈(鈣離子及鉀離子)及增補前、運動測驗後進行耳尖毛細(血乳酸)等血液採集。採相依樣本t-test考驗不同增補處理在RSAmean、RSAbest、RSAdecrement %與HTTlevel等專項體能表現,以及二因子變異數分析(時間x增補)在血液生化指標之差異顯著情形,統計水準皆為α= 0.05。結果:相較於安慰劑,增補咖啡因後顯著減少RSAmean之秒數(↓3.3%)與增加HTTlevel之階數(↑4.9%),以及降低血鉀濃度(↓10.8%)與提升血鈣濃度(↑2.9%) (p < .05)。結論:6 mg/kg咖啡因增補能降低網球專項體能RSAmean之秒數,進而提升每趟衝刺平均速度表現,以及延長網球專項耐力表現HTTlevel之階數。另外,咖啡因增補後能促使循環中鉀離子濃度下降與鈣離子濃度上升,有利於鈉/鉀ATP酶活性提升進而延緩肌肉收縮疲勞及增進肌肉收縮能力,此可能為促進本研究表現提升的可能機轉。"
"Introduction: The repeated-sprint ability (RSA) and hit and turn tennis test (HTT) are used to evaluate the tennis-specific fitness performances in sprinting, agility, and endurance. However, the relationship between caffeine supplementation and tennis-specific fitness performance has not been investigated. This study aimed to investigate the effects of caffeine supplementation on tennis-specific fitness performance in tennis players. Methods: A total of 10 male (age: 16.3±0.9 years; height: 173.2±5.1 cm; body weight: 63.8±5.9 kg) tennis players were recruited. Subjects ingested caffeine (6 mg/kg) or placebo in a double-blind, placebo-controlled, and counter-balanced fashion. The RSA and HTT were assessed 1 hour after supplementation. Blood samples (antecubital vein: Ca++ and K+; ear capillaries: lactate) were obtained before and after supplementation and exercise. A dependent t-test was used to compare tennis-specific performance variables, and a two-way (time×supplement) analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare blood-based variables between the caffeine and placebo conditions. Significance was set atα= 0.05. Results: Compared with placebo, caffeine supplementation significantly reduced the RSAmean (↓3.3%), enhanced HTT (↑4.9%), reduced K+ concentrations (↓10.8%), and increased Ca++ concentration (↑2.9%) (p <.05). Conclusion: Caffeine supplementation at 6 mg/kg facilitates tennis-specific performance, as assessed by RSAmean (↓3.3%) and HTTlevel (↑4.9%). Caffeine-induced performance improvements may be associated with a caffeine-associated decrease in plasma K+ concentrations and increased Ca++ release, resulting in increased Na+/K+ ATPase activity, which might attenuate muscle fatigue and enhance muscle contractile ability."
起訖頁 315-326
關鍵詞 運動營養增補劑hit & turn tennis testrepeated-sprint abilitysports nutritionergogenic aidhit and turn tennis testrepeated-sprint ability
刊名 體育學報  
期數 202112 (54:4期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 運動服務業員工的,工作心理彈性與組織公民行為:工作自主性的調節效果
該期刊-下一篇 高強度間歇訓練與阻力訓練對自覺健康、身體意象、幸福感與體育學習成效的影響




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