體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
202103 (54:1期)期所有篇 |
- 不同質量訓練用排球之反彈力學特性分析 Kinetic analysis of training volleyballs of different mass during rebounding
- 12週動體視力訓練對高齡者與超高齡者視覺與平衡能力之影響 Effects of 12 weeks of dynamic visual acuity training on young-elderly and old-elderly's visual ability and balance
- 膝關節貼紮對前十字韌帶缺損者側向跳躍矢狀面落地運動力學的影響 The influence of knee taping on the sagittal landing mechanics during side hops in anterior cruciate ligament deficient individuals
- 有氧運動前增補咖啡因對健康成年男性運動後低血壓與肱踝脈波傳導速率之影響 Effect of pre-exercise caffeine supplement on post-exercise hypotension and brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity to aerobic exercise in healthy adult men
- 臺灣青少年靜態行為問卷之發展 Development of a sedentary behavior questionnaire for Taiwanese adolescents
- 運用定向越野教學對學習障礙學生自我概念發展之影響:行動研究的策略 Impact of using orienteering on the development of the self-concept of students with learning disabilities: An action research
- 理性與身體感性的共融──對網球選手類型區辨的現象學探索 The melting between the rational and bodily sensitivities: Phenomenological exploration of tennis players' classification