運輸學刊 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation |
202103 (33:1期)期所有篇 |
- 中觀行人模式於大規模疏散模擬之應用 A Mesoscopic Pedestrian Model for Large-scale Evacuation Simulation
- 輕軌系統容量分析──以淡海輕軌綠山線為例 Rail Capacity Analysis for Light Rail Transit - A Case Study for Green Mountain Line of Danhai Light Rail
- 高齡者搭乘郵輪服務滿意度之研究 A Study of Service Satisfaction for Elder Passengers of Cruise Tourism
- 何時出發較好:以劇變模型分析出發時間的決策行為 What Is the Better Time We Leave: Explore the Decision Behavior of Departure Time by Catastrophe Model