運輸學刊 Journal of the Chinese Institute of Transportation |
201703 (29:1期)期所有篇 |
- 應用混合式粒子群演算法進行離散型船席及變動式橋式起重機指派 A Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization for Simultaneous Discrete Berth Allocation and Variable-in-Time Quay Crane Assignment
- 輕度失智駕駛者交通事故模型之建構 Constructing the Traffic Crash Models for Mild Dementia Patients with Alzheimer’s Disease
- 低成本航空策略聯盟之航線網路班次規劃 Low-Cost Airline Network Flight Frequency Planning in Response to Hybrid Low-Cost Airline Alliances
- 以混合遺傳演算法求解整合性區位存貨、定址以及運輸路徑之兩階層供應鏈分銷網路設計 Incorporating Inventory, Location and Routing Decisions in Two-Echelon Supply Chain Network Design: A Hybrid Genetic Approach