賦權及其極限?後女性主義、社群媒體與自拍 Empowerment and its limits? Postfeminism, social media, and selfies
行動上網對電腦上網與傳統媒體使用的影響之世代差異與跨時性趨勢描繪 A Longitudinal Study on the Impact of Mobile Internet on Wired Internet and Traditional Media Use among Generational Cohorts
「悅T人」的彈幕:虛擬即時之互文情境下的遊戲 Bullet Subtitle of the “Joyduser”: virtual instant play in the intertextual context
勞動的「媒介化」與媒介的「勞動化」:數位勞動研究的內涵、現狀與未來 The “Mediatization” of Labor and the “Laboring” of Media: The Connotation, Status Quo, and Future of Digital Labor Studies