問題與研究 Wenti Yu Yanjiu |
201809 (57:3期)期所有篇 |
- 英國脫歐議題及其對歐洲統合的意涵 Brexit and Its Implications for European Integration
- 試探美國外交政策訊號之操作:以2012~16年美國在南海爭議和APEC承諾為例 Understanding U.S. Foreign Policy Signals: Evidence from 2012-2016 U.S. Involvement in South China Sea Disputes and APEC Commitments
- 「避險」視角下中國對美國的網路強國戰略研究 China's Cyber Power Strategy vis-à-vis the U.S. using a ‘Hedging’ Perspective
- 只租不賣的臺灣友邦:斷交政治經濟學 Taiwanese Allies Are for Rent, Not for Sale: The Political Economy of Breaking a Diplomatic Relationship