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China's Cyber Power Strategy vis-à-vis the U.S. using a ‘Hedging’ Perspective
作者 張凱銘
過去多年間,中國在網路科技領域取得了突出的建設成果,成為當代國際網路事務要角。北京當局近期更提出「網路強國」戰略,試圖全面強化國家網路實力。中國在網路領域的進取,不僅對美國的固有優勢構成挑戰,也助長了美國政府對其戰略意圖的疑慮,從而增添雙邊關係的不穩定性。為瞭解中國網路建設藍圖與對美政策立場,本文審視了「網路強國」戰略的主要內容,及美國因素在其間的影響;同時透過國際關係研究中的「避險戰略」探討中國對美網路互動態樣,說明中國政府如何在網路事務中,同步推動對美國的有限抗衡及務實合作,以兼顧國家安全與利益發展需求。 China has made huge advances in the field of cyber technology in thepast few years and it is now an important player in international cyber affairs.Beijing recently introduced its ‘Cyber Power Strategy’ in a bid tocomprehensively strengthen the nation's cyber capabilities. China's cyberambitions not only constitute a real challenge to the U.S. but have alsoprompted concerns in Washington about China's strategic purpose and havemore uncertainty to their already unstable bilateral relations. To understandChina's cyber development plans and how that will affect U.S. policy, thisarticle will analyze China's Cyber Power Strategy and the U.S. factor.‘Hedging Strategy’ from international relations is used to explore thedynamics of Sino-U.S. interactions in cyberspace and to explain how Beijinghas used a limited counter-balance strategy against while collaborating withthe U.S. to protect national security and advance its interests.
起訖頁 97-137
關鍵詞 網路強國美中關係避險戰略網路安全網路衝突Cyber Power StrategySino-U.S. RelationsHedging StrategyCyber SecurityCyber Conflict
刊名 問題與研究  
期數 201809 (57:3期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 試探美國外交政策訊號之操作:以2012~16年美國在南海爭議和APEC承諾為例
該期刊-下一篇 只租不賣的臺灣友邦:斷交政治經濟學




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