問題與研究 Wenti Yu Yanjiu |
201803 (57:1期)期所有篇 |
- 烏克蘭安全策略選擇:內部因素分析 Ukraine's Security Strategic Choices: A Domestic Perspective
- 文字探勘技術輔助主題分析──以「中國大陸研究」期刊為例 Text Mining-based Topic Analysis: A Case Study of the Journal “Mainland China Studies”
- 從「權責分配」的「失衡」論臺灣食安治理:以《食品安全衛生管理法》為例 On Taiwan's Food Safety Governance from the Perspective of Imbalance within Rights and Liabilities Distribution: A Case Study of the Act Governing Food Sanitation
- 洞朗事件對中印邊界問題與中印關係之影響 Impact of the Dorlam Incident on China-India Border Issue and China-India Relations