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On Taiwan's Food Safety Governance from the Perspective of Imbalance within Rights and Liabilities Distribution: A Case Study of the Act Governing Food Sanitation
作者 譚偉恩郭家瑾
在食品安全暨衛生這個議題領域中,消費者、業者、政府是三個最主要的行為者(actors)。理論上,當此三個行為者的地位在市場上處於均衡狀態,就算彼此偏好(preferences)不同,食安品質仍得以維持一定水準。惟業者多半在實際上享有資訊優勢,並藉由此種優勢地位在市場交易過程中取得主導性影響,致使政府經常與其靠攏或是消費者受其宰制。有趣的是,臺灣因近幾年接續爆發各式各類食安醜聞,於是政府開始頻繁地修正食安法規並積極地介入市場進行管理。這使得上述三個行為者在食安法制中的「權責分配」出現明顯「失衡」,特別是業者承擔的義務量被大幅調升,而政府承擔的管理責任也明顯加重。本文認為,此種「失衡」現象不僅導致臺灣食安醜聞不減反增,還可能惡化三個主要行為者在市場上的互動,甚至催生仇敵文化,讓現行《食品安全衛生管理法》具有「敵人食安法制」的性質。鑒此,本文建議食安問題的治理需要認真思考如何較為妥適地分配消費者、業者、政府三方之權利與責任,同時藉助風險溝通機制來緩解目前市場與法制中的失衡問題。 Consumers, the food industry, and the government are the main actors in the area of food safety and the embedded domain of public health. Theoretically, only by balancing power among the three actors will desired food safety be maintained, even though the three actors have different preferences. Nevertheless, the industry frequently plays the leading role in the market because of its superiority in information possession. Thus, the government usually leans toward collaborating with the industry, leaveing consumers under industry domination in the long run. In recent years, food scandals broke out one after another in Taiwan, forcing the government to amend the Act for governing food safety and public health, while hoping to better manage the market. Yet, the government's response to address food safety caused an imbalance of rights and liabilities distribution among the three actors. Particularly, the obligations of the food industry increased, and the responsibilities of the government extended. This paper argues that such imbalance not only induced the incremental incidence of food scandals in Taiwan over the past years, but also worsened the interaction between the three actors, sharpening hostility among the three parties. As a result, the Taiwan's Act Governing Food Sanitation has features of the law of the enemy. This article argues for the appropriate distribution of rights and liabilities of the three actors, and risk communication as remedy to the imbalance in the market and legislation.
起訖頁 63-104
關鍵詞 權責分配食安治理風險溝通敵人食安法制權力平衡Distribution of Rights and LiabilitiesFood Safety GovernanceRisk CommunicationEnemy Criminal Law or FeindstrafrechtBalance of Power
刊名 問題與研究  
期數 201803 (57:1期)
出版單位 國立政治大學國際關係研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 文字探勘技術輔助主題分析──以「中國大陸研究」期刊為例
該期刊-下一篇 洞朗事件對中印邊界問題與中印關係之影響




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