問題與研究 Wenti Yu Yanjiu |
201703 (56:1期)期所有篇 |
- 「功能取向」對「關係導向」:比較小布希與歐巴馬政府的馬來西亞政策 Functionalism vs. Partnership: A Comparison of US Foreign Policy toward Malaysia under George W. Bush and Barack Obama
- 巴黎氣候談判與協議之分析 Analyses on the Paris Climate Negotiation and Agreement
- 東亞朝貢體系的實證檢驗:朝鮮的案例研究1618-1637 An Empirical Assessment of the East Asian Tribute System: A Case Study of Korea 1618-1637
- 影響中美在中國周邊海域油氣勘探合作的主要變數 Major Factors Affecting Cooperation Between PRC and the U.S. on Offshore Oil and Natural Gas Exploration along China's Coast
- 檢視臺灣的新南向政策:議程、網絡與挑戰 Revisiting Taiwan's New Southbound Policy: Agenda, Networks and Challenges