地理研究 Journal of Geographical Research |
201611 (65期)期所有篇 |
- 再現「原」型:泰雅族公共空間之識覺意象建構 (Re)presenting Indigenous Archetype: The Construction of Atayal Environmental Perception on Public Space
- 福衛二號影像山區森林影像地形校正:MVECA法 Topographic Normalization of Formosat2-MS Images of Forest in Rugged Terrain: Using the Modification of Variable Empirical Coefficient Algorithm
- 試驗場與熱帶殖民地:1900年代美屬菲律賓的農業歷史地理 Experiment Station and Tropical Colony: Historical Geography of Agriculture in the Philippines under the American Administration, 1900s
- 傅柯Heterotopia翻譯考 The Translation of Foucault's Heterotopia
- 解殖民的文化地景再現:以泰雅人繪製「會吟'唱的地圖」為例 Decolonizing Cultural Landscape Repressentions: The Making of 'Chanting Map' by Tayal people
- 達悟族傳統生態知識與其永續性價值 Tao Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Its Value for Sustainability