地理研究 Journal of Geographical Research |
201405 (60期)期所有篇 |
- 社區林業政策推動成效之研究:以宜蘭縣林美社區為例 A Research of the Effectiveness to Promote Community Forestry Policies:A Case Study of Lin-Mei Community in Yilan County
- 應用福衛二號影像測繪海灘潮間帶地形之嘗試 An Innovative Mapping Technique Developed for Intertidal Beach Morphology by Using FORMOSAT-2 Images
- 臺南東山山村生計活動與景觀之變遷 Living Activities and Landscape Change in Mountain Villages of DongShan Township
- 從地方建構區域:以東港為核心的新區域地理觀點 Construct Region from the Place: Donggang As The nucleus, in the Perspective of New Regional Geography
- 初探「教育地理學」:教育主體、學習空間及鄰里社群 Exploring 'Geographies of Education': Learners, Sites of Learning and Communities of Learners
- 整合航測與行動裝置影像的三維建物模塑策略 3D Realistic Building Modelling by Integration of Aerial and Mobile Images