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Construct Region from the Place: Donggang As The nucleus, in the Perspective of New Regional Geography
作者 蔡淑真李素馨
This study focused on the economic relationship between places and regions in the perspective of a new regional geography. We constructed the international economic region of South North Shore Donggang River by historical backtracking, and applied a new geographic location to understand the local and regional economic linkage. Donggang history shows an economic linkage between east-south of China and west coast of Taiwan in the 16th, and the basic structure of regional economic transit trade network were established during the first half of the 17th (Netherlands occupation period), and the economic structure was carried forward in Ming and Qing dynasty, resulting a successful extension of the basin economic. Economic condensation nucleus was formed in Donggang by linkage, and all commodities along the basin will continue to be attracted into the network as long as the linkage stayed connected. Economy can be regarded as the dominant factor for the formation of Donggang River upper stream region, besides ethnic, cultural or political factors, and the economic inherit rights around 1701 was also a key point. We propose a regional study shall consider the dynamic nature of the region itself, but not limited to the rigid paradigm. Base on regional economic reality, accumulation of capital became the main economic purpose in the 16th, the constructed system exploited the demand and supply of goods, eventually leading to the local response of resource depletion within the region, replacement of ethnicity, class mobility. Donggang's mullet, deer and rice were the main commodity linkage between Donggang and Tayuan. During the Netherlands occupation period, Taiwan was the trade center of East Asia, and Tayuan was the center of regional economic of Taiwan. By constructing regional economic by multiscale shows the important functions of geographic location, which could be a medium for interaction, and in long-term and taxation establishment, regardless of mullet fisheries, fish tax, port tax, port of soldier's pay or mullet flag, the unique nature of resource will be the focus of approve when the location was insignificance.
起訖頁 63-86
關鍵詞 動態Dynamic區域化過程the process of regionalization經濟凝結核economic condensation nucleus
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201405 (60期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺南東山山村生計活動與景觀之變遷
該期刊-下一篇 初探「教育地理學」:教育主體、學習空間及鄰里社群




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