地理研究 Journal of Geographical Research |
201105 (54期)期所有篇 |
- 馬來西亞柔佛麻坡降雨事件時間序列分析及預測模式 Time Series Analysis and Forecast Models for Rainfall in Muar,Johor
- 臺中合樸農學市集的形成過程:行動者網絡理論的觀點 The Forming of Hope Farmers' market in Taichung : a viewpoint of the Actor-network Theory
- 以石川欽一郎、木下靜涯、陳澄波、陳慧坤、李永沱筆下之淡水作品詮釋地方及其精神之意象 An Interpretation of the Tamsui Place Image and the Spiritual Image from the Series Tamsui Paintings of Ishikawa Kinnichiro, Kinoshita Seigai, Chen Cheng-po, Chen Hui-kuen and Lee Yung-two
- 節慶之島的現代奇觀:臺灣新興節慶活動的現象淺描與理論初探 The Island of Festivals : The Empirical Snapshots and the Theoretical Groundings of the Modern Festivals in Taiwan