蘇維埃誘因系統結合公司目標與預算的獎酬制度──以應收帳款業務員獎酬計畫為例 Combining Company’s Objectives and Forecast under the Soviet Incentive System in Designing Compensation Plan for Accounts Receivable Collectors
驅動微型創業家成長與成功之動因分析──以科技服務業個案為例 The Drivers of Micro- Entrepreneur Growth and Success-A Case of the Technology Service Company
道不同不相為謀?知覺組織職涯管理、工作鑲嵌與離職傾向的關係──自我職涯管理的調節式中介模式 The Study of the Relationship among Perceived Organizational Career Management, Job Embeddedness, and Turnover Intention -A Moderated Mediation Model