理工研究國際期刊 International Journal of Science and Engineering |
201904 (9:1期)期所有篇 |
- 非稀土永久磁石材料之充磁器設計 Design and Realization of a Magnetizer for Ferrite Magnet
- 微型氣渦輪機之電網併聯介面設計 Design and Implementation of an Utility Interface for Micro-turbine Generation System
- 基於深度神經網路與攝影機之室內定位 Indoor Localization Based on Deep Neural Network with Cameras
- 台南地區高中學生在「對數」單元之錯誤類型分析 An Analysis of Error Patterns of Logarithm Operations by Senior High School Studentsin Tainan City
- 高職三年級學生微積分解題表現、類科與性別間關係之研究 A Study on the Relationship Between Calculus Problem-Solving Performance, Department and Gender of Senior High Vocational Students
- 線型函數不同表徵問題對國三學生解題表現、性別 與數學能力間關係之研究 A Study on the Relationship Among Problem-Solving Performance, Gender and Mathematical Ability of the Ninth Grade Students by Different Representations of Linear Functions
- 國中九年級學生三角形的外心、內心與重心單元 錯誤類型之分析研究 An Analysis of Error Patterns in Junior High School Ninth-Grade Students' Performance of Circumcenter, Incenter and Triangle Centroid