〈趙氏孤兒〉在英國:亞瑟墨菲的〈中國孤兒〉首演中的東方與女性 The Orphan of Zhao in England: The Orient and Woman in the First Production of Arthur Murphy’s The Orphan of China
從膽怯到膽壯:倫理;政治;奚尼 From the Timorous to the Bold: Ethics, Politics, Heaney
魅影中國:譚恩美的《百種神秘感覺》;《接骨師的女兒》與《防魚溺水》中的跨國詭魅敘事 Ghostly China: Amy Tan’s Narrative of Transnational Uncanny in The Hundred Secret Senses, The Bonesetter’s Daughter, and Saving Fish from Drowning
文學與醫學的對話:艾德森劇本《心靈病房》中的臨終關懷與醫學倫理議題 A Dialogue between Literature and Medicine: Thanatological Concerns and Medical Ethics in Margaret Edson’s Wit