英美文學評論 Review of English and American literature |
2007春 (10期)期所有篇 |
- 古早地方話英文文學的自我意識 Authorial Ego in Early English Vernacular Literature
- 神話與紀實:倫敦的認同論述與文學想像 Myth-Making and Realism: The Self-Fashioning of London as Modern Metropolis
- 混雜與過渡:歐康諾《凡興者必合》中的城市空間 Mixture and Transition: The Urban Space(s) in Flannery O’Connor’s “Everything That Rises Must Converge”
- 接觸攝影影像:論金恩《藥河鎮》中的照片與照相機 Photographic Images in Contact: Photographs and the Bodily Camera in Thomas King’s Medicine River
- 《慾望城市》的流行政治與超現實紐約 The Politics of Fashion and a Hyperreal New York in Sex and the City
- 戰爭;鐵漢定律與創傷倫理:派特‧巴克的《再生》 War, Warrior Myth, and the Ethics of Traumatic Awakening: Pat Barker’s Regeneration
- 新世紀的省思:試論勒瑰恩的《轉機》 Perspectives on the New Millennium: Le Guin’s Changing Planes