長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
202106 (32:2期)期所有篇 |
- 護理學校客觀結構式臨床測驗資源分析 Analysis of OSCE Resources in Nursing Schools
- 改良式批式空腸灌食法在食道癌切除術後早期之成效 Effectiveness of Early Modified Bolus Jejunostomy Feeding in Esophageal Cancer Patients Receiving Esophagectomy
- 運用自我效能提升護生專業知識與技能、批判思考及溝通合作力 Using Self-Efficacy to Enhance Nursing Students' Professional Knowledge and Skills, Critical Thinking, Communication and Cooperation
- 可信賴專業活動在新進臨床護理師培訓期的應用 Implications of Entrustable Professional Activities on New Nurses Postgraduate Year Training
- 門診化療室病人等候化療處置時間之改善方案 An Improvement Program for Shortening the Time of Treatment for Patients at Outpatient Chemotherapy Room after Attending the Clinic
- 運用多元化教學策略提升二年期護理師對心導管照護完整率 Using Diversified Teaching Strategies to Promote the Integrity of Post Cardiac Catheterization Care in Post Graduate Year II Nurses
- 護理人員執行護理活動超工時之改善專案 An Improvement Project to Reduce Overtime Hours of Nursing Activities
- 協助一位膽管癌末期個案因應否認行為不當之護理經驗 Nursing Experience in Assisting an End-Stage Patient with Cholangiocarcinoma to Face Ineffective Denial
- 一位罹患月經性氣胸病人接受胸腔鏡切除術之護理經驗 A Nursing Experience of Caring a Patient Undergoing Thoracoscopic Resection for Menstrual Pneumothorax
- 照護一位肝癌末期病人之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Caring a Terminal Liver Cancer Patient
- 運用治療性遊戲緩解自閉症類群障礙的學齡前兒童住院壓力之照護經驗 Nursing Experience of Reducing an Autism Spectrum Disorder Preschooler 's Hospitalization Stress through Therapeutic Play
- 照顧一位流感併發重症成人使用葉克膜之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of Caring a Patient with Severe Complicated Influenza using Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation