長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
201512 (26:4期)期所有篇 |
- 比較不同心肺復甦術暨自動體外心臟電擊去顫器教學策略之成效 A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Two Instructional Strategies in Teaching Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Automatic External Defibrillator
- 影響癲癇病患經濟獨立的相關因素探討 Exploration the Related Factors of Financial Independence in Patients with Epilepsy
- 口腔健康評估量表—非牙醫專業人員中文版發展與信效度檢定 Validation of the Chinese Version in Oral Health Assessment Tool (OHAT) for Clinical Non-Dentist Professionals
- 精神科專科護理師執業範圍的展望 The Prospects of Scopes of Practice among Psychiatric Nurse Practitioners
- 心臟血管病房護理人員執行靜脈藥物劑量計算之改善方案 The Improvement of Intravenous Drug Dosage Calculation among Nurses in Cardiology Department
- 提升內科病房護理交班之成效 Promotion of Efficiency of Nursing Works during Nursing Shift Changing in Medical Wards
- 手術室護理人員執行捐贈骨骼及韌帶作業之改善 Improve the Implementation of the Operating Room Nurses for Donated Bones and Ligaments
- 照護一位顏面燒傷合併視力損傷個案之加護經驗 An Intensive Nursing Experience about Caring a Facial Burn Patient Combined with Visual Impairment
- 運用Watson 理論於老年腦中風無望感患者之護理經驗 Application of Watson’s Theory in Caring of an Old Stroke Hopelessness Patient
- 照顧一位運用低溫治療之周產期窒息新生兒急性期護理經驗 Nursing Experience of a Newborn with Perinatal Asphyxia Using Hypothermia Therapy in the Acute Stage
- 協助一位門診女性乳癌病人於診斷期及治療期之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Assisting an Outpatient with Female Breast Cancer during Diagnostic and Treatment Period
- 運用理論引導失智症家庭照顧者量裁式照護之經驗 The Nursing Experience of the Family Caregiver of a Dementia Patient- roviding Theory Guided Tailored Care
- 運用治療性遊戲協助一位學齡期肺炎病童促進肺部擴張之成效 The Effectiveness of Applying Therapeutic Play to Help a School-Age Child with Pneumonia for Lung Expansion
- 運用治療性遊戲協助一位學齡前期白血病兒童降低Port-A 人工血管扎針之恐懼 Applying Therapeutic Play to Assist a Preschool Child with Leukemia to Reduce the Fear of Port-A Insertion