長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
201412 (25:4期)期所有篇 |
- 桃園某地區醫院安寧病房住院病人的服務分析 Service Analysis of Hospitalized Patients in the Hospice Ward at a District Hospital of TaoyuanTaoyuan
- 預立醫療自主計畫對提升長期照護機構老人安寧療護、預立醫療指示知識及態度的成效初探 The Effects of the Advance Care Planning Program on Knowledge and Attitude of Hospice Care and Advanced Directives among Older Adults in a Long-term Care Facility: A Pilot Study
- 創新擴散理論之發展與護理應用 Development and Nursing Application of Diffusion of Innovation heory
- 運用組合式照護降低加護病房中心靜脈導管血流感染率 Applying Bundle Care to Reduce Bloodstream Infections Rate from Central Venous Catheters in the Intensive Care Unit
- 降低肝臟移植病房檢體退件率之改善專案 A Project to Reduce the Specimen Returning Rate in Liver Transplant Ward
- 照顧一位外籍船員遭遇海難事故之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Aa Foreign Crew Suffered Shipwreck
- 照顧一位缺血性腦中風併失語症患者之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Caring for a Patient with Aphasia Caused by Ischemic Stroke
- 一位心因性休克病人使用體外膜氧合器之加護經驗 An Intensive Care Experience of a Cardiogenic Shock Patient on Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
- 運用Orem 理論於一位口腔癌患者行頭頸部重建之手術全期護理經驗 Application of Perioperative Nursing and Orem's Theory on a Patient with Oral Cancer Undergoing Head and Neck Reconstruction Surgery
- 一位急性呼吸窘迫症候群病患採俯臥治療的護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of caring a Patient with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Prone-position Therapy