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Development and Nursing Application of Diffusion of Innovation heory
作者 連心瑜 (Angela Shin-Yu Lien)羅美芳 (Meei-Fang Lou)高碧霞 (Bih-Shya Gau)
The goal of Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theory is to explore how the new ideas are being disseminated or adopted by social population. Through analyzing the process of decision making of the adopters’ past experiences and attribute; one can realize how to quickly disseminate an innovation with advantage. Diffusion of innovation varied by some factors, include time, cognitive attribute, decision making pattern, communication channel, social characteristics, and the effort of promotion. A successful innovation has been evaluated by the final outcomes destination of acceptance rate, satisfaction and/or other unexpected outcomes present of adopters. Depending on the different characteristic of innovation, it must conduct detailed assessment and planning in advance, through appropriate channels to disseminate information in a short period of time. From the micro view of personal domain to macro view of community domain, DOI theory was widely applied in public health, health promotion, health education, and telehealth. It has also started in nursing field recently, such as the acceptance of genomic research and the application of information technology for nurses. It could stimulate the novelty and skills as the future trend for the development of nursing profession.
起訖頁 404-412
關鍵詞 創新擴散決策傳遞管道接受速率成效diffusion of innovationdecision-makingcommunication channelsacceptance rateeffectiveness
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 201412 (25:4期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
DOI 10.3966/102673012014122504003   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 預立醫療自主計畫對提升長期照護機構老人安寧療護、預立醫療指示知識及態度的成效初探
該期刊-下一篇 運用組合式照護降低加護病房中心靜脈導管血流感染率




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