長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
201403 (25:1期)期所有篇 |
- 慢性腎臟病人生活品質與其相關因素探討 Quality of Life and Associated Factors in Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease
- 靈性概念於護理個案報告應用之文獻評析 Analysis of Literature on Applied Spiritual Concept in Nursing Case Reports
- 探討護理人員安全處理化療藥物之議題 Explore the Issue of Safe Handling of Cancer Drugs by Nurses
- 癌症病人復健之臨床護理實務 The Clinical Practice of Cancer Rehabilitation
- 提昇某外科病房護理人員執行轉送作業溝通之有效性 A Project to Enhance Transfer Operations the Effectiveness of the Communication between theNursing Staff of a Surgical Ward
- 提升學齡前期氣喘病童照顧者對噴霧治療照護認知專案 Enhancing Cognition Regarding Aerosol Therapy and Care for Caregivers of Preschool Children with Asthma
- 一位中風病人中期照護之出院準備服務經驗 A Discharge Planning to Transit a Stroke Patient to an Intermediate Care Facility
- 一位多發性硬化症病人之照護經驗 The Experience of Caring a Multiple Sclerosis Patient Removed Tracheastomy Tube Successfully with Integrative Medicine Care
- 運用治療性遊戲照護一位受虐兒童在急診之護理經驗 The Utilization of Therapeutic Play to an Abused Child in the Emergency Department Nursing Care Experience
- 自我管理模式在全膝關節置換術患者之應用 The Application of the Self-management Model in Patients with Total Knee Replacement: a Case Report
- 運用Watson 理論於一位臥床壓瘡老人及其主要照顧者之護理經驗 Applying Watson's Theory to Caring for an Older Patient with Bed Pressure Sores and Her Primary Caregiver