長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
201112 (22:4期)期所有篇 |
- 南部某醫學中心住院病人對病人自主態度與其相關因素之探討 Correlates of Inpatient Autonomy Attitudes at a Medical Center in Southern Taiwan
- 季節變化對糖尿病足部潰瘍患者下肢截肢之影響 Effect of Seasonal Variations on the Incidence of Lower-extremity Amputations in Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcer
- 母育信心之概念分析 Concept Analysis of Maternal Confidence
- 以實證觀點探討加護照護中心之中心靜脈導管血流感染 A Study on CLABSI in Intensive Care Units through Evidence - Based Approach
- 以實證觀點探討嬰幼兒術前禁食時間之準則 Evidence-Based Practice of the Guidelines for Preoperative Fasting Time in Infants and Young Children
- 提升轉送中心對住院病人一般X光檢查之接送時效 Improving Time Efficiency for X-ray Examination of Hospitalized Patients at a Transportation Center
- 提升急診「外傷急救小組」啟動的正確性及作業流程之完整性 Improving the Correctness of the “Trauma Blue” Activation Process and the Protocol Integrity of the Trauma Team Operation in the Emergency Department
- 照顧一位壞死性筋膜炎患者面對截肢後之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of a Patient with Necrotic Fasciitis after Amputation
- 一位腎細胞癌合併骨轉移患者之居家護理經驗 Home Care Experience of a Renal Cell Carcinoma Patient with Bone Metastasis
- 一位冠狀動脈繞道手術後患者之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Caring for a Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting Post-operative Patient
- 一名白血病青少女身體心像改變及因應之探討 To Explore the Body Image Changes and Coping Strategies of an Adolescent Cancer Patient
- 運用非藥物措施處理慢性便秘之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Chronic Constipation Management with Non-pharmacological Interventions
- 照顧一位孕婦感染H1N1產後之重症護理經驗 A Critical Care Experience of a Postpartum Woman who Contracted H1N1 Influenza during Pregnancy
- 運用Watson關懷理論於一位初次罹患神經母細胞瘤患者之護理經驗 Applying Watson’s Theory in a Nursing Experience for a Patient with Neuroblastoma
- 運用Neuman理論照護一位大腸癌末期病人症狀困擾的護理經驗 Applying Neuman Theory in Caring for a Terminal Stage Colon Cancer Patient Experiencing Symptom Distress