東吳經濟商學學報 Soochow Journal of Economics and Business |
201006 (69期)期所有篇 |
- 無形資產與技術外移中國大陸對臺商經營效率之影響 The Impact of Transferring Intangible Assets and Technology to China on the Efficiency of Taiwan’s Manufacturing Firms
- 油價可以解釋實質匯率走勢嗎?亞洲新興國家之驗證 Can the real oil price explain real exchange rate movements? Evidence from emerging Asian countries
- 應用多目標微粒群演算法求解(s, Q)存貨控制最佳化模式 Application of Multi-objective Particle Swarm Algorithm toInventory Control Optimization Models
- 處分效果、紀律投資與股價趨勢 The Disposition Effect, Disciplined Investing and the Stock Price Trend