華人前瞻研究 Journal of Chinese Trend and Forward |
201205 (8:1期)期所有篇 |
- 法律經濟學研究狀況述評 Review of the Research in Law and Economics
- 對中國大陸新重商主義與凱恩斯主義政策的反思--基於臺灣經驗的思考 Rethinking Mainland China's New Mercantilism and Keynesianism Macroeconomic Policy ßased on Taiwan Experience
- 臺灣內部意識形態的重建及挑戰 The Rebuild and Challenge of Taiwan Internal Ideology
- 供應鏈金融與金融創新銀行應收帳款之新型金融商品研究 Financial Supply Chain and Financial Innovation Bank Receivables of New Financial Products Research
- 臺灣淨出口與所得利率物價匯率關聯性之研究 Correlation between Net Exports and Income Interest Rates Price Indexes and Exchange Rates in Taiwan
- 中國文字之應用初探--以測字作為輔導技巧之研究 The Applied Preliminary Study of Chinese Words ─ Guide by Measuring Word as the Research of Technique
- 幼兒教育產業競爭策略之研究 The Study of Competition Strategy on Child Education Industry
- 從ECFA簽訂後看我國政府知識業務之形成與營運模式--貿易救濟知識發展中心為例 The Formation and Operation Module on Our Government Knowledge Affairs with Respect to the International Development Trends ─ The Case Study of Reinvestigation on the Role of Trade Remedy Knowledge Development Center
- 新聞自由意理與實際衝突現象之研究--以美國與臺灣為例 Reflections on Freedom of Press in the United States and Taiwan