中華輔導與諮商學報 Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling |
201901 (54期)期所有篇 |
- 開啟以儒釋道文化的修養諮商心理學理論與實徵研究:邁向自性覺醒的心理療癒 Developing Self-cultivation Counseling Psychology Theories and Empirical Studies Based on the Chinese Cultural Traditions of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism: Towards Self-enlightenment Psychotherapy
- 宗教的四窗、四鏡、羅盤與黑洞:宗教自我曼陀羅模型的諮商應用 Four Windows, Four Mirrors, Compass and Black Hole of Religion: The Mandala Model of Religion and Self Applied to Counseling
- 建構儒釋道喪禮儀式的悲傷療癒歷程模式 The Grief Healing Model of the Funeral Rituals Based on Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism
- 多重時空框架經驗整合能力內涵及其對成人親子關係的效果 The Construct of Capacity of Integrating Cross-time-and-space Experience and Its Effect on Relationship between Adult Children and Aging Parents
- 文化心理劇:「景觀人,人觀景」用於變遷中的華人家庭關係議題 "Seeing from the Scenes" : A Psychodramatic Model for Resolving Familial Relational Conflicts in Contemporary Chinese Societies
- 心理劇中「替身經驗」現象的探究 The Experience of Doubling in Psychodrama:A Phenomenological Research