輔導季刊 Guidance Quarterly |
202209 (58:3期)期所有篇 |
- 團體諮商之團體督導模式的系統化架構初探 Preliminary Construction of the Systematic Group Supervision Model for Group Counseling
- 社會計量在團體轉換階段的應用 Sociometry in the Group Transition Phase
- 團體諮商的導航系統:團體概念化與評估 Navigation System of Group Counseling: Group Conceptualization and Evaluation
- 後疫情時代探討病人自主權利法對個人與家庭心理的影響 The Psychological Impact of Patient Right Autonomy Act on Individuals and Families in the Post-Pandemic Era
- 遊戲治療師的反移情困境與因應 The Dilemma and Coping Strategies of Play Therapists' Countertransference
- 論心理劇的角色交換之應用與效果 Effect of Using Role Reversal in Psychodrama
- 單身女性經歷微攻擊的經驗、因應與影響之研究 Research on Experiences, Responses and Effects of Single Women who Encountered Microagression