略說李澤厚新儒家/心理學對諮商的啟發 An introduction of the enlightenment from Li Zehou’s philosophy to counseling.
儒與家:我在「四書」中體悟的療人之道 The Confucius And Family Therapy: Learning from The Classic
認識論就是生命史:一個寫作者對「生命書寫旨趣」的自我敘說 Epistemology is Life History: A writer’s self-narrative about his interest in writing
老人幸福感量表編製之研究 The Development of the well-being Scale for Elders in Taiwan.
精神病患家屬在正念中的自我照護 Self-Care Through Mindfulness Practices for Psychiatric Patients' Families
督導中協助新手實習諮商師以 立即性技術處理諮商關係中的僵局、挫折 Supervisor assists novice counselor in dealing with impasse and frustration in therapeutic relationship using immediacy
存在主義治療與塔羅牌結合及對話 Applying Existential Theory into Tarot Reading
從敘事治療觀點談「邊緣性人格障礙」及應用 Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder from the viewpoint of Narrative therapy
精神病個案觀察之經驗與省思以精神分析取向為基礎 The experience and reflection from a psychotic observation - based on psychoanalysis