戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study |
202312 (36:4期)期所有篇 |
- 小旅行到底行不行?權益關係人方法目的鏈觀點 Legitimacy of Stakeholders’Day Trips Using the Means-End Chain Approach
- 以體驗行銷、互動性、在地化及資訊品質觀點探討旅遊App之使用意願 PangExploring Travel App Usage Intentions from Experiential Marketing, Interactivity, Localization, and Information Quality Perspectives
- 遊客參加「大溪木博館」人員解說過程中之美感經驗來源 HsiehThe Aesthetics Experience Sources of Tourists in Personal Interpretations at“Daxi Wood Art Eco Museum”
- 越真實,越想保護?懷舊情感中介效果之驗證 Greater Authenticity, Greater Protection? Validation of the Mediating Effect of Nostalgia