戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study |
202112 (34:4期)期所有篇 |
- 自然體驗對兒童情感與自然智能發展之影響 Impact of Natural Experiences on the Development of Affect and Naturalist Intelligence in Children
- 古蹟觀光市場區隔:鹿港遊客的實證分析 Market Segmentation of Heritage Tourism Destinations: Empirical Analysis of Tourists at Lukang’s Heritage Recreation Sites
- 熱鬧情境對擁擠知覺與滿意度間關係之影響 Effect of Renao Scenes on Relationships between Perceived Crowding and Satisfaction
- 觀光凝視與文化展演──泰雅嘎色鬧部落觀光景觀中的原住民生態旅遊 Tourist Gaze and Cultural Performance: Study on Indigenous Atayal Ecotourism in Ksunu