高齡溫泉遊客旅遊滿意、生活滿意及其重遊意願:安康旅遊的觀點 Satisfaction with Trip Experience, Life Satisfaction, and Re-Visit Intention in Older Adults: A Wellness Tourism Perspective
自行車騎士遊憩專門化、遊憩者—遊憩環境契合度與心流體驗之關係 Recreation Specialization, Recreationist-Environment Fit, and Flow Experience of Cyclists
遊憩者的個人投入重要嗎?遊憩涉入、投入與心流體驗關係之研究 Does Recreationist Engagement Matter? A Study of the Relationship among Recreation Involvement, Engagement, and Flow Experience
以旅遊經驗為基礎的臺灣兒童環境行為模式 A Children’s Environmental Behavioral Model Based on Travel Experience in Taiwan