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A Children’s Environmental Behavioral Model Based on Travel Experience in Taiwan
作者 曾慈慧沈進成陳鸞鳳
隨著旅遊風氣興盛,兒童參與旅遊機會也大幅提升,然而兒童研究在觀光領域十分欠缺。研究談到童年時期旅遊和戶外環境經驗,有助於環境態度和行為的形成與發展,因此本研究欲探討兒童旅遊經驗與其環境行為之關係。以分層及立意兩階段進行問卷調查,在新竹縣抽樣673名10-12歲填寫兒童的基本資料、旅遊經驗調查、環境態度及環境行為問卷。結果顯示:壹、兒童的旅遊經驗不論是參與或偏好,都市旅遊都高於自然旅遊。貳、自然旅遊經驗對環境保護態度中的保護觀與環境行為有顯著正向影響;都市旅遊對環境保護態度與行為無顯著影響;戶外遊憩旅遊經驗對環境保護的利用觀點及環境行為有顯著正向的影響。本研究發現相對於都市旅遊或戶外遊憩,兒童從事自然旅遊對於環境保護與行為有正向影響。 As global tourism has flourished in recent decades, theopportunities for children to travel have also increased dramatically. However,there has been little research in the field of child tourism. Travel and outdoorenvironmental experiences in childhood can contribute to the formation of anindividual’s environmental attitudes and behavior. Therefore, this study exploredthe relationships between children’s travel experiences and their attitudes andbehavior. A total of 673 children aged 10–12 years in Hsinchu County completeda survey on their background information, travel experiences, environmentalattitudes, and environmental behaviors. The study used stratified and purposivesampling, respectively, in two separate survey phases. The results showed thefollowing: (1) children had spent more time in, and expressed a greater preferencefor, urban-based tourism than nature-based tourism; and (2) involvement innature-based tourism had a significant positive influence on the their attitudetowards environmental protection and on environmental behaviors. Engagingin urban-based tourism had no significant influence on either their attitudetowards environmental protection or their behavior. Engaging in tourism basedon outdoor recreation had a significant positive influence on the utilization aspectof children’s attitudes towards environmental protection and their environmentalbehaviors. Based on the study findings, involvement in nature-based tourismcould enhance the environmental protection attitudes and behaviors of children,compared with children who engage in urban-based or outdoor recreation-basedtourism.
起訖頁 85-120
關鍵詞 旅遊經驗環境態度環境行為Travel experienceAttitude towards environmental protectionPro-environmental behavior
刊名 戶外遊憩研究  
期數 201809 (31:3期)
出版單位 中華民國戶外遊憩學會
該期刊-上一篇 遊憩者的個人投入重要嗎?遊憩涉入、投入與心流體驗關係之研究




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