戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study |
201706 (30:2期)期所有篇 |
- 形構美國都市意象:台灣日治時期知識菁英的旅行文本分析 Configuration of American Metropolises' Image During the Period of Japanese Rule: According to Taiwanese Elites' Analysis
- 「中橫健行隊」學員之體驗內涵 The Experience in “Central Cross-island Highway Backpacking Teammates”
- 想樂活嗎?以遊憩者—遊憩環境契合度與場所依戀觀點探討之 Do You Want LOHAS? From the Viewpoint of Recreationist-Environment Fit and Place Attachment
- 從推敲可能理論探討民宿業者在群聚現象之下的經營態度:兼論媒體依賴為調節變項 Exploring the Operational Attitude on B&B Cluster in Taiwan from Elaboration Likelihood Model: The Moderating Effect of Media Dependence