戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study |
201503 (28:1期)期所有篇 |
- 比較城鄉居民休閒生活型態、休閒智謀與公園使用參與程度模式之研究 Comparing Leisure Lifestyle, Leisure Resourcefulness, and Park Attendance between Urban and Rural Residents in a Behavioral Model
- 從恩格爾曲線角度探究臺灣家戶旅遊支出行為:分量迴歸模型之應用 A Study of Traveling Expenditures of Taiwanese Households from an Engel Curve Perspective Using Quantile Regression
- 表層及深層演出對工作倦怠與離職意圖之影響:兼論幽默感之調節效果 Surface and Deep Acting Performance Affect Job Burnout and Turnover Intention: The Moderating Effect of Sense of Humor
- 應用DEMATEL法探討臺灣製茶工廠發展觀光工廠之核心能力與影響指標 Using the DEMATEL Methodology to Explore the Core Competences and Causal Effects of Tea Factories Transforming to Tourist Factories in Taiwan