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Comparing Leisure Lifestyle, Leisure Resourcefulness, and Park Attendance between Urban and Rural Residents in a Behavioral Model
作者 郭彰仁 (Chang-Jen Kuo)
There are many reasons that people start to participate in outdoor activities, such as social, economic, and lifestyle changes. As consciousness of outdoor activities rises, parks and open spaces play an increasingly important role in people's daily lives. However, whether residents are urban or rural may cause different perceptions about and needs for leisure in their lives. With this in mind, we chose the cities of Huwei and Taichung for a case study to explore the relationships between resident leisure attitude, leisure resourcefulness, and attendance behavior in parks. Through residents' established behavioral patterns, we can understand their perception and cognition about their daily life and surroundings. We also hope that the findings of this study can be used as a reference to better plan leisure facilities and public open spaces. Our results showed that: 1) Leisure attitude affected leisure resourcefulness positively and significantly; 2) Leisure resourcefulness affected attendance behavior in parks significantly and positively; and 3) There were significant differences in the moderation of the path from leisure lifestyle to leisure resourcefulness between Huwei and Taichung residents.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 休閒生活型態休閒智謀結構方程模式城鄉差距Leisure lifestyleLeisure resourcefulnessStructural equation modelingUrban-rural gap
刊名 戶外遊憩研究  
期數 201503 (28:1期)
出版單位 中華民國戶外遊憩學會
該期刊-下一篇 從恩格爾曲線角度探究臺灣家戶旅遊支出行為:分量迴歸模型之應用




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