戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study |
201312 (26:4期)期所有篇 |
- 家庭參與生態旅遊之動機與阻礙--不同家庭生命週期之探討 Ecotourism Motivations and Constraints: Exploring among Different Family Life Cycle Groups
- 不同地點標籤對自然度感受及偏好影響之研究 Examining the Effects of Place Labels on Perceived Naturalness and Preference
- 探討深度休閒特質對旅遊行為意圖之影響--旅遊部落格認知功能與目的地意象之中介效果 To Explore the Influence of Serious Leisure Characteristics on Travel Behavioral Intentions: Perceived Functions of Travel Blogs and Destination Image as Intermediated Variables
- 環境態度與情境因素對遊客破壞行為之影響--以陽明山國家公園遊客亂丟垃圾行為為例 The Influences of Visitors' Environmental Attitude and Situational Factors on the Occurrence of Vandalism: A Case Study of Littering in Yang-Ming-Shan National Park