戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study |
199609 (9:2-3期)期所有篇 |
- 鄰里公園使用者滿意度影響因素之探討 Factors Affecting Satisfaction Level of Neighborhood Park Users
- 高雄鄰里公園、小型綠地及兒童遊戲場開闢優先順序評估指標建立之研究 A Study of Constructing the Evaluation Indicators to Determining the Development Priority of the Neighborhood Parks, Small Green Spaces and Playgrounds in Kaohsiung City
- 論休閒在文化發展中的角色 Leisure and Culture: Of Common Roots and Shared Development
- 企業對獎勵旅遊需求之研究 The Corporation Need for Incentive Travel