國家森林遊樂區之遊憩體驗與知覺復癒關係研究——以內洞國家森林遊樂區為例 The Study of Relationship between Recreation Experience and Perceived Restoration in Nei-tung National Forest Recreation Area
中華職棒現場觀眾市場區隔之研究 A Segmentation Study of Chinese Professional Baseball League Spectators
探索生態旅遊行為意圖的影響因素——遊客創新、風險知覺、興趣、涉入與支持度的關係 Exploring the Factors of Visitors'Innovation, Risk perceptions, Interests, Involvement and Support on Ecotourism Behavioral Intentions
臺灣與亞洲主要國家之旅遊競爭優勢比較 Comparisons of tourism competitiveness of Taiwan with main destinations in Asia