寂靜之外:聽障遊客的旅行經驗探討 Beyond Silence: A Journey into the Travel World of the Deaf
壓力下的休閒調適策略及其立即調適效果:不同家庭生命週期族群之比較 Leisure Coping Strategies under Stress and Their Immediate Adaptive Outcomes: Comparisons among Varied Family Life Cycle Groups
臺灣及大陸空氣負離子研究趨勢分析與展望 Development and Perspective on Negative Air Ions in Taiwan and China
舉辦特殊活動對居民生活品質影響之研究——以高雄市愛河為例 The Impacts of Special Events on Quality of Life of Local Residents-A Case Study of Kaohsiung City