國人於臺灣及國外地區觀光旅遊需求之研究 A Research of Taiwanese Tourism Demand within Taiwan and Aboard
袋鼠(攜子)媽媽的公園使用行為影響因素之探討 Factors Which Affect the Behavior of Mother with Young Kids in Park
嘉義縣茶山邊境部落旅遊發展的文化經濟與混合 Culture Economy and Hybrid of Border Tribe Tourism Development within Cayama Tribe in Chiayi County
知覺品質與價格標示方式對消費者知覺價值與購買意願之影響——以線上旅遊產品為例 The Effects of Perceived Quality and Price Labeling on Consumers' Perceived Value and Purchase Intention-A Case of Travel Product on the Internet