戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study |
200903 (22:1期)期所有篇 |
- 「意義的追尋與歷程的建構」:休閒研究的典範衝突與爭辯 'Exploring the Meanings, Constructing the Process'': The Paradigms Conflict and Debate in Leisure Studies
- 運動休閒服務產業之發展對經濟影響之可計算一般均衡分析——以提高勞動雇用與租稅減免為例 An Economic-Wide Analysis of Developing Sport and Leisure Industry by Using a CGE Model-An Example for Raising Labor Employment and Tax Exemption
- 以電腦益智遊戲進行心流特徵衡量之比較研究 The Comparison Study on Measurements of Flow Characteristics for Intellective Computer Game
- 聯合分析法中替選方案呈現方式對公園使用者願付費用之影響 The Effects of Different Alternative Representations in Conjoint Analysis on Users' Willingness to Pay for Park and Park Facilities