戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study |
200609 (19:3期)期所有篇 |
- 臺灣咖啡節遊憩效益評估之研究 A Research of Estimating the Recreational Benefits of Taiwan Coffee Festival
- 臺灣造園學報之研究趨勢與展望 The Trend and Development of the Journal of Landscape in Taiwan
- 駕車者對廣告招牌與植栽形式之視覺認知與偏好研究 Drivers' Visual Cognition and Preference of Street Sign and Tree Types
- 以地方社會結構為基礎探討居民對生態旅遊影響之認知 Discussing Perceptions of Local Community Residents on Ecotourism Impact from Social Structure Perspective