戶外遊憩研究 Journal of Outdoor Recreation Study |
200306 (16:2期)期所有篇 |
- 海岸型風景區之旅遊意象對遊客行為意圖之影響——以遊客滿意度為仲介變數 The Inference of Tourism Image on Tourist's Behavioral Intention on Taiwan's Coastal Scenic Area: Testing the Mediating Variable of Tourists' Satisfaction
- 生態旅遊行為模式研究 The Ecotourism Behavioral Model
- 休閒潛水者的風險管理之研究 A Study of Recreational Scuba Diving's Risk Management
- 傳統鼓藝課程對青少年的效益——以利益為管理導向模式之實驗 The Effects of A Drum Art Program on At-Risk Youth: An Experiment of the BBM Programming Model