非消耗性野生動物遊憩參與及消費影響因子之分析 Determinants of Participation and Consumption of Nonconsumptive Wildlife Recreation
休閒文化觀光行為的規範——以原住民觀光為例 Behavioral Norm of Cultural Tourism-Aboriginal Tourism as Case Study
福隆漁村居民對海域遊憩開發的態度之研究 A study on the Oceanic Recreation Development Attitude of Residents in Fu-Long Fishing Village
休閒生活態度與鄰里公園使用行為之不同層級城市比較——以臺北、臺中、彰化市居民為例 The Comparison on Residents' Leisure Attitude and Behavior of Cities Neighborhood Park among Taipei, Taichung and Chanwa