教育研究與發展期刊 Journal Of Educational Research And Development |
201203 (8:1期)期所有篇 |
- 大學與學校專業夥伴合作之個案研究──以專業學習社群為焦點 A Case Study on the Professional Partnership between University and School: Focusing on the Professional Learning Community
- 國小實習教師同儕專業成長團體實施效果之研究 A Study on the Effects of Implementation of the Professional Development Peer Group
- 我國大學教師專業發展之現況、困境與展望 The Status, Difficulties and Prospects of Teacher Professional Development in Higher Education in Taiwan
- 美國加州檢核職前教師表現制度之研究 A Study on the System for Examining Pre-service Teachers’Performance in California
- 澳洲與紐西蘭高等教育教學認證課程之研究 A Study of the Australia and New Zealand Accredited Teaching Certificate Programs in Higher Education
- 臺灣公立大學教師彈性薪資制之研究 The Study of Faculty Merit Pay System for Taiwanese Public Universities
- 當代大學面臨之挑戰與發展機會及對國內高等教育發展之啟示 Challenges and Opportunities of Universities and Implications for Higher Education Development in Taiwan